الجمعة، 29 مارس 2019

aloe vera plant the secrets to beauty, health and immortality

The first known written reports on the nourishing juice of the aloe vera plant reach as far back as 6,000 years ago in ancient Egypt. Aloe was regarded as a sacred plant the “blood” of which held the secrets to beauty, health and immortality. Both Cleopatra and Nofretete greatly valued the nourishing juice and used it as a part of their daily skin and beauty care. The usage of aloe was regarded as the pursuit of physical beauty. Even the dead were embalmed with aloe vera because of its anti-bacterial and anti-fungi qualities. The common belief was that in stopping the physical decomposition process eternal life could be attained – both on a physical and a spiritual level. Aloe was known as the “plant of eternity”. Its anti-inflammatory and pain soothing effect were documented in the “papyrus Eber” of 1,550 BC.

Aloe - Mesopotamia
The earliest documentation of Aloe was discovered on the clay boards from Nippur which date back as long ago as 2,200 BC. The people of this era were already aware of the cleansing effect of aloe on the intestines, in this period of history illnesses were always regarded as demonic possession of the body and only a divine plant such as aloe had the natural power to exorcise the demons.

Alexander the Great
In the times of Alexander the Great aloe vera was commonly used for medicinal treatment in the countries of Asia. It is documented that Alexander the Great employed the use of aloe juice to heal the war wounds to his warriors (356 - 323 B.C.)

Alexander went to the extent of having transportable carts of planted Aloe for practical reasons in order to have fresh supplies at the ready during his numerous battle campaigns. It is said, that Aristotle convinced Alexander the Great to capture the Island Socotra specifically to gain possession of the precious aloe groves – in doing so Alexander acquired sufficient medication to heal the wounds of his entire battalions.

Aloe Dioskurides
To their benefit the Romans followed the wisdom of the Egyptians and Greeks by also using the healing powers of the aloe vera plant. During the reign of Emperor Nero in around 50 B.C. the physician and naturalist Dioscorides journeyed the whole of the orient researching new methods of medication. He wrote several books teaching on pharmaceutics which included many prescriptions for the treatment of countless illnesses.

In his extensive chapters based on the positive effects of plant therapy, he describes the aloe as one of his favourite healing plants. He recommended the use of aloe juice for numerous physical disorders such as the treatment of wounds, gastrointestinal discomforts, gingivitis, arthralgia, skin irritation, sunburn, acne, hair loss, etc.

Chinese Medicine
In Chinese culture, aloe has been an important ingredient in medical treatments since the times of the Marco Polo expeditions. The treatment book of Shi- Shen described aloe vera as the "Method of Harmony"- the plant played a major role in the everyday life of the Chinese.  The Japanese culture also greatly values the aloe plant, in Japan it was known as the “royal plant”, the juice was consumed as an elixir and the samurai used it for embrocations.

History Aloe - Columbus
New worlds were discovered with the aid of aloe vera, Christopher Columbus was known to have aloe vera growing in plant pots on his armada of ships and the plant was used to heal the wounds of his mercenaries.  

During the 16th century, Spanish Jesuit monks - harvested the wild aloe vera and were known to spread the plant it in areas where it had not yet been cultivated. Today these monks are still renowned as well educated phytologists and healers. The Maya Indians christened the highly resourceful juice of this desert plant as the "Fountain of Youth".

Swedish Bitters
Aloe History - Swedish Bitters
Also famous is the elixir of the Swedish doctor Dr Yernest who died in a horse riding accident at the ripe age of 104 years old. At the point of this accident, the recipe for the elixir had been a well kept family secret for some years prior. In the meantime, however, this secret has been disclosed to the whole world. The elixir which is known today as Swedish Bitters is composed of practically the same ingredients: An ounce of aloe, a gross each of zedoary root, gentian root and the best of saffron, a gross of fine rhubarb root, a gross of larch fungus, a gross of theriac venetaian all mixed with a pint of good quality brandy, let brew for ten days and then filter. Back then the good Swedish doctor assured us: “take 7 to 8 drops of this remedy every morning diluted in wine, tea or bouillon and this will guarantee longevity without the need of bloodletting or a doctor. The remarkable thing is that this remedy is good for everything.”

In Sanskrit, aloe is known as Ghrita-Kumari. Kumar means girl and it was believed that this plant supplied the energy of youth to women and had a rejuvenating effect on the female nature. In the Indian ayurvedic medicine, aloe is applied in numerous applications such as rejuvenating remedies, for menorrhoea problems and to stabilise the cardiovascular system. Aloe is regarded as the plant of balance between pitta, kapha and vata – the aloe is one of very few plants that hold these qualities!

Hildegard of Bingen
Around 1100 and during the middle-ages, does Hildegard of Bingen, a benedictine-nun, describe Aloe as a cure for icterus, gastric-infections and migrain, against caries and for saniouse uclers.

Anthroposophic Medicine
According to Rudolf Steiner, the aloe represents the moon in conflict with the sun – relating to the high liquid content of the plant. A main characteristic is the tension between the ethereal and the astral. A special facet of the aloe plant is its ability to organise the water, to maintain life and to reproduce (numerous offshoots!) in dire conditions: heat, wind, dryness. Due to its robust outer layer and its myriad webbed inner vein system the aloe manages to maintain its moistness by preventing evaporation; it is a truly remarkable survivor of nature.

Priest Kneipp
AMGI Priest Kneip
Priest Kneipp was a great admirer of the aloe vera, in both plant and powder form. Kneipp was overwhelmingly convinced of the purifying and detoxifying effect on the digestive system. The intestine and the intestine-associated immune system played a major role in the treatments of Kneipp.  It is also reported that Kneipp had great healing success when applying the aloe to both infective and degenerative ailments of the eye.

During the 16th century, the Indian tribes also became familiar with the aloe healing plant.  Aloe was one of the 16 holy plants which were worshiped with a god like status. The diluted aloe juice that they applied to their skin worked as an insect repellent protecting them on their exhausting marches through the infested swamp areas. The Indians also used the aloe insect repellent on wood and other vulnerable materials that were likely to be damaged by insects; this treatment preserved the materials with great effect.

الخميس، 28 مارس 2019

صبار الالوفيرا في مصر والفيوم POTENTIAL OF ALOE VERA IN FAYOUM EGYPT

 نبات الصبار (الألوه) قديماً بالنبتة المعجزة أو “الشافي الطبيعي” تنمو بكثرة في المناخيات الدافئة و الجافة. تبقى رطبة على الرغم من أن نباتات أخرى تذبل وتجف وتموت، مغلقة مسامّها للحول دون فقدان الرطوبة. يوجد أكثر من 200 نوع من انواع الالوه لكن نبتة الألوة باربادينسيس ميلير (الألوفيرا) هي الأكثر استعمالا بسبب فوائدها الطبية

صبار الالوفيرا في مصر والفيوم POTENTIAL OF ALOE VERA IN FAYOUM EGYPT

تشير الوثائق القديمة إلى أن فوائد الصبار (الألوفيرا) معروفة منذ عدة قرون. وقد استمرت مزايـــاها العلاجية و الشفـــائية لأكثر من 5,000 سنة، جورج إيبيرز أول من اكتشف قدمها عام 1862 في مخطوطة مصرية عائدة الى العام 1,500 ق.م.. اعتاد الأطباء الإغريق والرومان استعمالها كعشبه طبية فعّــالة.ووجد الباحثون أن كلاً من الحضارتين الصينية و الهندية القديمتين قد استعملتا الألوفيرا. كانت الملكات المصريات يربطن استعمالها بجمــال المظهر.في حين تستعمل في الفيليبين مع الحليب لمعالجة التهابات الكلوتوحي، بيد أن التطور السريع لعلم الطب الموثق في العالم الغربي والنزوح باتجاه مناخيات أقل اعتدالاً ، قادا الى تراجع رواج الألوفيرا وتوفرها و لم تعد تستعمل في أيامنا هذه ، وعلى الرغم من فعّالية الأدوية و العقاقير الطبية في معالجة الأمراض، غالباً ما يؤدي استعمالها الطويل الأمد إلى عوارض جانبية لدى المرضى و بالتالي يميل المستهلكون والعلماء أكثر فأكثر إلى علاجات أكثر تقليدية و أكثر طبيعية بعد أن أهملوها لوقت طويل

والنتيجة: عادت الألوفيرا تستقطب الأنظار مجددًا إذ تؤمن لصحتنا ونمط عيشنا فوائد عدة.بيد أن رواج الألوفيرا في مناخ لا تناسبها أساساً ، لكن العلماء تمكنوا من نقل نبات الالوفيرا حول العالم عن طريق عمليّة تعرف بالاستقرار الكيميائي. مثلاً إذا قطعت تفاحة إلى شطرين و تركتها عرضة للهواء ، سرعان ما يتبدل لونها، هذا ما يحدث مع الألوة أيضاً في الطبيعة ، هلام الورقة محمي بالكامل بفضل القشرة الخارجية السميكة التي تحول دون فقدان الرطوبة و تقيها من الهواء. متى قطعت الورقة بدأت عملية التأكسد وما لم تراقب قد تجِّرد الهلام الثمين من العديد من فوائده. الاستقرار الكيميائي هي طريقة للحفاظ على الهلام الأصلي دون أن تفقد الورقة الخضراء مفعولها الأصلي. في غياب الاستقرار الكيميائي ، قد يفسد الهلام ، حتى ولو حفظ مبرداً
تزرع الالوفيرا في المنازل وتزرع ايضا في مزارع خاصه لاغراض تصدير نبات صبار الالوفيرا .

1. Amino Acids 
2. wound healing hormones 
3. vitamins 
4. organic acids 
5. Mineral 
6. Antiseptic agents 
7. Bionic stimulator 
8. Enzymes 
9. Sugar, polysaccharides 
10. Aloe-emollient 
11. Flacons 
12. Anthraquinone 
13. Tannins and steroids 
14. Calcium Oxalate 
15. Phenolred

The reputation of Cleopatra’s beauty, great love of Mark Antony, is a fact that lives in people’s imagination for centuries. For a long time, studies have tried to understand the secret to the fame of this great ancient Egyptian character.

What was the secret behind her beauty, her skin, hair, face, and body? What kind of food could rejuvenate the skin, stimulate collagen, moisturize and have anti-microbial properties that fight fungi and bacteria?

All of these functions are actually found in Aloe Vera. Ancient records show that the benefits of Aloe Vera have been known to mankind for centuries. Its therapeutic advantages and healing properties have survived more than 5000 years! The benefits are outstanding!

The total world wide cultivation of Aloe vera in 2004 is about"
23,589 hectare, divided between the American Continent (81%), the
Asian and Australian Continents together (18%), and the African
Continent (1%). The demand for Aloe vera products is increasing in the
international market due to the vast benefits that can be driven out of
the product. The value for Aloe vera products is about 110 billion USD
while the value for raw material is about 125 million USD. Sales values
of Aloe vera gel in North America in 2004 contributes nearly 87 %
from all the American Continent sales, distributed among three
countries namely: Mexico (35.48 million USD), Dominican Republic
(21.58 million USD), and United States (9.29 million USD). While
other countries in the American Continent like Costa Rica contributes
by (5.30 million USD), Guatemala (4.22 million USD), Venezuela
(0.42 million USD), Brazil (0.10 million USD), and Argentina (0.06
million USD). Sales values of Aloe vera gel in Thailand contribute
nearly 89 % from all the Asian Continent sales in 2004, reaching (40.56
million USD). While other countries in the Asian Continent like China
contributes by (4.43 million USD), India (0.37 million USD), and
Malaysia (0.12 million USD). As for the contribution of Australia in 
the Australian Continent sales values of Aloe vera gel in 2004 reached
(1.58 million USD). Nevertheless the small volumes and values of Aloe
vera global trade, it is obvious that there is a significant trade both
between countries within the region and for wider market which is
currently unrecorded in CITES trade statistics. The total value of Aloe
vera accounting for exports approximately 8 millions USD, distributed
among 119 countries over the period 2014 – 2016. The top ten
countries for Aloe vera exports values namely: Nigeria (2,386,404
USD), Turkey (750,607 USD), United Arab Emirates (545,538 USD),
U.S (465,232 USD), Sri Lanka (315,829 USD), Iran (299,181 USD),
Mozambique (275,845 USD), Saudi Arabia (232,816 USD), Jordan
(202,561 USD), and Tanzania (172,193 USD). The Asian Continent is
ranked number one for Aloe vera exports values (3,554,274 USD),
nearly followed by the African Continent (3,523,762 USD), then the
American Continent (552,141 USD), the European Continent (366,763
USD), and the Australian Continent (139,030 USD). The total value of
Aloe vera accounting for imports approximately 13 millions USD,
distributed among 36 countries over the period 2014 – 2016. The top
ten countries for Aloe vera imports values namely: U.S (9,958,561
USD), Mexico (964,364 USD), Italy (661,748 USD), Spain (355,781
USD), China (307,097 USD), Poland (183,962 USD), France (163,509
USD), U.K (162,593 USD), Germany (88,277 USD), and South Korea
(60,169 USD). The American Continent is ranked number one for Aloe
vera exports values (10,924,071 USD), followed by the European
Continent (1,644,781 USD), then the Asian Continent (464,525 USD),
the African Continent (7,410 USD), and the Australian Continent 
(5,827 USD). Egypt considered the biggest exporter for the vegetable
extracts and saps to Algeria, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates,
Tunisia, Congo, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ghana, Cameroon,
Iraq, and Yemen. However the Egyptian monthly exports for vegetable
extracts and saps during the period (2010 – 2014) took a decreasing
general trend which reflects the economic situation that was due to the
political conditions (Egyptian revolutions) during this period in Egypt.
The trade flow between the main Egyptian exportation markets and the
main competitors to Egypt from the vegetable extracts and saps during
the period (2010 - 2014), it is observed that Algeria market kept the
first position for the Egyptian exports for the vegetable extracts and
saps during the period (2010 - 2014) except in 2011. While other Arab
markets like Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, and Tunisia kept
advanced positions during the same period except in 2011. It appeared
that in 2011 the African countries like Ghana, Cameroon, and Congo
earned the advanced positions instead of the Arab countries. Turkey
exported the biggest quantity for the vegetable extracts and saps to
Egypt during the period (2010 - 2013) and it ranked the second
exporter after Egypt for exporting the biggest quantity for the vegetable
extracts and saps to other countries such as Saudi Arabia during the
period (2010 - 2014), Algeria in 2014, and Tunisia during the period
(2012 - 2014). India exported the biggest quantities for the vegetable
extracts and saps to Egypt in 2014 reached 63635 kg and also to United
Arab of Emirates reached 237105 kg. India ranked the second exporter
after Egypt for exporting the biggest quantity for the vegetable extracts
and saps to United Arab of Emirates during the period (2010 - 2013). 
Germany ranked the second exporter after Egypt for exporting the
biggest quantity for the vegetable extracts and saps to Algeria during
the period (2010 - 2013). However Germany don't exporting the
biggest quantities of the vegetable extracts and saps to nearly most of
countries like Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Tunisia, etc., but it is almost gained
the biggest exports values. The current situation for Aloe vera in Egypt
is neglected, statistical data about Aloe vera in Egypt concern area,
"productivity, yield and even production is very rare. 

B.Sc. Agric. Sci. (International Agriculture), Fac. Agric., Cairo Univ., 2005